姓名:王鲁敏 性别:女
出生年月:1992年06月 籍贯:山东德州
职称:讲师 职务:
毕业院校:中南大学 学位:博士
联系电话: 电子邮件:wanglm@dzu.edu.cn
1 .2020年度广西科学技术奖获奖(自然科学类)三等奖
1. Interfacially crystallized Enzyme@MOFs biocatalytic membranes for highly efficient synthesis of D-amino acids via continuously recirculating stereoinversion,Chemical Engineering Journal,2024.08,共一/通讯作者。
2. Shell-core COF@Co3O4 Z-scheme heterojunctions for triple amplification of oxidative stress to enhance nanocatalytic-sonodynamic tumor therapy,Chemical Engineering Journal,2023.02,通讯作者。
3. Facile construction of a reusable multi-enzyme cascade bioreactor for effective fluorescence discrimination and quantitation of amino acid enantiomers ,Chemical Engineering Journal,2021.08 ,通讯作者。
4. Integrating Target-Triggered Aptamer-Capped HRP@Metal−Organic Frameworks with a Colorimeter Readout for On-Site Sensitive Detection of Antibiotics ,Anal. Chem.,2020.09,首位
5. Development of a “Dual Gates” Locked, Target-Triggered Nanodevice for Point-of-Care Testing with a Glucometer Readout. ACS Sens. 2019.03 首位。
6. Intelligent Platform for Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Aminoglycosides Based on a Ratiometric Paper-Based Device with Digital Fluorescence Detector Readout ACS Sens. 2019.11 首位
7. Rapid and visual detection of aflatoxin B1 in foodstuffs using aptamer/Gquadruplex DNAzyme probe with low background noise. 2019.08 首位。
8. Single-stranded DNA modified protonated graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets: A versatile ratiometric fluorescence platform for multiplex detection of various targets. 2019.01 首位。