姓名:王峰 性别:男
出生年月:1994年11月 籍贯:山东省德州市德城区
职称:讲师 职务: 无
毕业院校:中国石油大学(华东) 学位:博士
联系电话:13012421261 电子邮件:wfzgsydx123@163.com
科研情况:在传统能源化工期刊Energy、Fuel、Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis、Chemical Engineering Journal等学术期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,以第一作者发表论文7篇。
1. 重油分子聚集体控制氢气传质的介微尺度机制及热诱导转变历程研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,参与。
2. 催化油浆脱固及针状焦生产技术开发,中石油攻关项目,结题,参与。
1. Novel insight into structure and content of olefins in thermally cracked heavy oil and its saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes fractions determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2023.10,首位。
2. Coke formation of heavy oil during thermal cracking: New insights into the effect of olefinic-bond-containing aromatics,Fuel,2023.03,首位。
3. Relationship between olefins and coking propensity of heavy residual oil derived from vacuum residue thermal cracking products,Fuel,2023.01,首位。
4. Study on the formation of olefinic-bond-containing asphaltenes during thermal cracking of vacuum residue,Fuel,2021.11,首位。
5. Preparation of mesophase carbon microbeads from fluidized catalytic cracking residue oil: The effect of active structures on their coalescence,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2021.06,首位。
6. Preparation of mesocarbon microbeads as anode material for lithium-ion battery by thermal polymerization of a distillate fraction from an FCC slurry oil after hydrofining with suspended catalyst,Fuel,2020.09,首位。
7. Experimental study on pre-hydrogenation of catalytic slurry oil and co-carbonization of middle distillate and high boiling point distillate,Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology,2023.06,首位。